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Saturday, July 16, 2016


Three hundred years later, those living around the Baltic and North Sea migrated because of a series of catastrophes including 1261 BC,  1198 BC, 1189 BC, and 1179 BC,

I labeled these dates on my timeline as “2nd Chas Period.”   So, we agree to chaos or catastrophes at that time.  

The Baltic Migration is new to me.  I assume the people, who spoke Norse in America, may have migrated south also.  The Muskogee tribes in the south speak a different dialect of Norse than the LENAPE tribes in the North.

the period when Pharaoh was fighting the Sea Peoples.

This is new information for me, but the action fits the theme of LAND LUBBERS, who want absolute control, not being able to accept sea people, who cannot be controled.

 Baltic survivors, their ships gone, the sea frozen, trekked south with their animals pulling sleds to get away from endless winter.

This is new information but a preview of the LENAPE migration in 1346. The Norse had a precedent of walking away on ice.

Overnight, burial changed to cremation. In 1189 BC, Hekla exploded, and wind carried its lethal glassy dust laced with fluoride across England, from which few survived.

This is the event that I associate with the end of the COPPER HAULERS era, because the towns in the Mediterranean were partially destroyed.  A crew rowing on the Northern Route to America would have found the passage around Iceland very difficult.

So this period is also possible for Norse migration to America,

I think this period would have been more like “shelter in place.” For many tribes.  The pressure of Copper Hauler crews, who came through from the north, would have been removed.

a certain number of North and South American tribes begin at this time.

Again, I hypothesis that these tribes were people left over from the Copper Haulers era.  They learned to live in place.

But did they speak Norse?

My hypothesis is that these people spoke the shore language which was later called Norse.

The Land Lubbers of Europe drove the sea peoples off the shore in Europe but not in America where the multiple rivers of Mississippi Basin made it difficult to put together a standing army.

We apparently agree about Hekla being the trigger that ended the COPPER HAULERS era.

My hypothesis is that all along the COPPER HAULERS route the people spoke the shore language.

As the LAND LUBBERS pushed the sea people out to sea on the east side  of the Atlantic, the traces of the shore language receded.

Barry Fell in his book, America BC compares American words with 1. Basque, 2. Celt, and 3. Norse.  Those languages are residual shore languages.

The evidence that the Americans spoke the shore language is the Tifinaq Alphabet, which is found on the Shawnee Slab, two copper axes (in Fell's books) and also in North Africa.

All this evidence fits the shore language hypothesis when Hekla divided the people of the Atlantic.  They spoke shore (Norse) on both sides of the Atlantic.

The English tried to suppress the knowledge that MOST AMERICANS SPOKE NORSE.
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