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Monday, January 30, 2012


The Pristine Wilderness paradigm about America is a specific sub-wording of the over all Eurocentric Paradigm
The over all Eurocentric Paradigm is a whites-first, Europeans-best arrogance in which the social, economic, and technical elements of other societies are inferior to the point of irrelevance, with the God-given right of Europeans to do as they wish without conscience. 
Jerry H. Bentley wrote:
(Beyond Modernocentrism, in Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World, which was edited by Victory H. Mair, 2005)
"A fast-growing body of scholarship reflects increasing awareness that Eurocentric assumptions have profoundly influenced and distorted historians' understanding of the modern world both in Europe and beyond."
Perhaps the American Social Science understanding of the past has been "profoundly…distorted" by the Eurocentric paradigm.
The Eurocentric paradigm was created in Europe in the 15th century by scholars, when universities were just beginning because the printing press and better transportation enabled thoughts to be exchanged swiftly from mind to mind.
The intellectuals of Europe believed the Eurocentric Paradigm before Columbus sailed.  Those intellectuals expected the explorers to convert the natives of foreign lands to become Christians.
The Eurocentric Paradigm was not supported by evidence then.
It is not supported by evidence now.
Yet: the Eurocentric Paradigm is instilled in most minds in the world and written into in most Social Science text books.
Universities award professional degrees based on knowledge of the European Paradigm.
To pass the standardized tests  for scholarship ranking, pre-university students must answer questions based on the Eurocentric Paradigm.
The Eurocentric Paradigm is PATHOLOGICALyet nearly EVERYONE in the world carries this pathological paradigm in their mind.
You probably do too!

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