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Friday, June 20, 2014


is revealing which race, the REDSKINS or the WASPS, are making more intelligent replies.  Here is my reply.
NATIVE AMERICAN: a propaganda ploy by White Angle Saxon Protestants (WASPs) to label Americans as less intelligent than WASPs and other immigrants.
According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (1990):
'The first definition of "native" is "a person born in a place."' ALL people born in North America are "natives."
If the word "natives" separates WASPs from Americans, the second definition must apply.  The second definition of "native" is "when the local inhabitants [are] distinguished from immigrants, when the race to which [the local inhabitant] belongs is regarded as less civilized."
[The definitions of "native" have changed since 1990.  But the paradigms developed during the centuries before, do not change as fast as a dictionary definition.  I never looked "native" up in a dictionary.  Grandfather taught me what it meant.  My teachers did not change my paradigm.]
REDSKINS: all light skinned people, Nordic and WASPs, get red skins if they live all day, every day in the sun without head covering or much clothing.  The Nordic people rowed to America six centuries before the WASPs invaded.  [Search for LENAPE LAND.]  When they invaded, the WASPs met Nordic people, who had red skins.  John Smith wrote that the local people were born white and developed red skins later.
Modern WASPs have turned a descriptive adjective into an offensive derogatory term to obscure the existence of the Nordic people on American soil.  [Search for PARADIGM SHIFT: SUPPRESSED]
Long before any light skinned people came to America, many leaders of the local inhabitants told their people about the future as predicted in the seven fires prophecies.
   "The Fourth Fire was originally given to the people by two prophets. They come as one. They told of the coming of the light skinned race.
"One of the prophets said,
"You will know the future of our people by the face of the light skinned race wears. If they come wearing the face of brotherhood then there will come a time of wonderful change for generations to come. They will bring new knowledge and articles that can be joined with the knowledge of this country. In this way, two nations will join to make a mighty nation. ...You will know the face of the brotherhood if the light skinned race comes carrying no weapons, if they come bearing only their knowledge and a hand shake."
"The other prophet said,
"Beware if the light skinned race comes wearing the face of death. You must be careful because the face of brotherhood and the face of death look very much alike. If they come carrying a weapon ... beware. If they come in suffering ... They could fool you. Their hearts may be filled with greed for the riches of this land. If they are indeed your brothers, let them prove it. Do not accept then in total trust. You shall know that the face they wear is one of death if the rivers run with poison and fish become unfit to eat. You shall know them by these many things."
The Nordic people were the "light skinned race” who brought new knowledge. Many of their tribal shields do not display weapons.  The WASPs invaded carrying weapons.  Today their team names reflect the WASP heritage: "Raiders," Buccaneers," "Titans," "Giants,"  "Patriots," etc.
VIKING and REDSKINS are WASP names for the same Nordic race.  If REDSKINS is offensive, then the VIKING caricature of the same Nordic race of the fourth fire prophecy is much more offensive.
Stop writing text about name games.  Focus on the important things first.  Dismantle the WASP propaganda machine.  They won the wars for North America.  They do not have to profoundly distort history any more.  Or do they?

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