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Friday, May 25, 2018


OTTO and the rest of the historian sources are HISTORIANS.
Karl and I had come from much further away when we looked at the history documents in the folder in the Becker Couty Museum.
Those documents, what we found on the ground and in the Alexander Museum convinced me to put up the money for the bus, which we used on the 2013 tour.
The people you mention were HISTORIANS.
But there were TWO people,  who were there in 1362 and who left recorded versions of the Ten Men Dead episode.
Those two are Witnesses.
We ALL have been led astray by our teachers, who taught us that NO one from east of the Atlantic came to North America before Columbus.
So professors  call the 1362 date a hoax.  They think stones with holes and stones with iron cores, that you have found, are fakes also.  They think ALL THAT STUFF which must have come before Columbus HAS TO BE A FAKE, because, you see, millions of history books CANNOT BE IN ERROR.
Except for the TWO WITNESSES from 1362.  Professors cannot defeat those witnesses.  So professors call the stories and the artifacts a “fake.”
The professors believe that they HAVE to be a “fake” which they then can forget and omit from textbooks.

If that stuff cannot be omited, the professors would have to inform hundreds of their students that they were taught erroneous information.

Professors think those two WITNESSES MUST be a fake somehow!
Professors think ALL that STUFF  at the BECKER COUNTY Museum should be burned.  That action is called suppression by omission.
The textbooks say that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.  No one came before him.
BY GOD (or is it OMISSION) that is the MYTH in most everybody’s head. The MYTH is very difficult to change.
It is easier to change thoughts about the stuff from the past or to omit the stuff completely than it is to change the MYTH inplanted by every teacher into your head.

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