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Friday, January 19, 2018


The LENAPE history covers a period from AD 1000 to 1585.
The stanzas of the LENAPE history are Self-verifying.
Norwegian and English histories describe some episodes.
Physical artifacts support the LENAPE history.
A man, Reider T. Sherwin, who spoke OLD NORSE, compiled 15,000 comparisons between the American words and OLD NORSE.  His pursuit to prove the LENAPE language was OLD NORSE was published in eight Volumes.
(All the pages of those volumes are now in a DROPBOX on the Internet.)
So for nearly six centuries the people in North America were speaking Norse.  The volumes called the VIKING and the INTERNET confirm that fact.
Yet most LINGUSITIC PROFESSORS are NOT teaching their students that Americans may have been speaking Norse.
Worse yet most of those LINGUISTIC PROFESSORS do not EVEN WANT to EXAMINE the possibility that Americans spoke Norse. 
My invitations to discuss language have been ignored thousands of times.  I cannot understand how LINGUISTIC PROFESSRS can believe they may ignore scholarly discussion.
The VIKING and the RED MAN has been removed from most libraries.
How can we, who know
the Norwegian and English histories,
the artifacts, and
the 15,000 comparisons between the LENAPE language and OLD NORSE
encourage LINGUISTIC PROFESSORS to examine the linguistic knowledge assembled by Reider T. Sherwin?
Inquisitive minds would like to know.

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