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Tuesday, August 23, 2016



A paradigm is a mental model of the world, widely accepted and strongly believed. A paradigm becomes enforceable orthodoxy.
. A MYTH can behave like a paradigm if, unlike Santa and Easter Bunny, the MYTH cannot be determined to be false by observation.
The subject here – that Columbus discovered a pristine America – is a MYTH that every body treats as a Paradigm
.Because the MYTH is so well established, it is not generally questioned.  No one is required to provide evidence that the MYTH is true.  Worse yet, because every body knows the MYTH, a researcher, who provides evidence that the MYTH is false, is censored by every body.
. Reider T. Sherwin, Thomas E. Lee, and Patricia Sutherland are a few competent researchers, who have been treated as out casts by the defenders of the MYTH.
History books reinforce the MYTH without proof.  Most people are comfortable suppressing other people with differing views about the validity of America’s MYTH.  
Columbus and the Pristine Wilderness MYTH  are taught to at least four million students, who graduate from high school each year. 
Most of us agree that the picture on the botttom is a possible illustration for a history book, which tells the Columbus MYTH.  But, apparently, no one has protested that the history publishers used a misleading image that does not show an accurate presentation of the real event.
But sometime, somewhere,  historians must have looked at the image of the Newport tower and thought That image cannot possibly have been built by pagans.” 
The paradigm in their heads enabled them to make the judgment, “The Lenape were not here before 1492.” The judgment to omit the image of the Newport tower was never contested. 
 Who would?
America’s Lenape Church has become an unusual artifact, considered to be "out of place." A few people, who were surprised to learn of its existence, have attempted to explain the tower away with conflicting theories.     
But the many theories contribute to the same result.  Even though
America’s Lenape
Church exists, the image is omitted from history books because the
paradigm exists in the heads of historians.  Those historians use the many theories as a rational to enforce the paradigm.
Historians appear to want to be 
decisive. Historians seem to believe that there can be only one orthodox history story.  Apparently historians cannot entertain an element of doubt by considering controversial information.   Historians, systematically judge that "out of place" artifacts should be suppressed.
So, the Pristine Wilderness Paradigm profoundly distorts American histories by omitting contrary evidence.
Yet, those same history textbooks reinforce the MYTHical paradigm in the heads of school children year after year.   Many students do not learn that authentic artifacts, like the Newport Tower, even exist.  
But there are tons of artifacts and reams of testimony, including America's oldest history,  the Maalan Aarum, that indicate an equally coherent story that the Lenape, who were in America 1,000 years ago, were still in western Minnesota in 1362.

.The Minnesota Lenape migrated to the Atlantic coast by 1500.  Their descendants still live in New Jersey and New York.  They are known today as the Leni Lenape "Indians."
America's Lenape \Church has stood in Newport, almost unknown, for four centuries.
But recently an article entitled Vikings and NativeAmericans 
was published in the November 2012 issue of National Geographic.  The article featured archaeological discoveries of Patricia Sutherland, who listed fifteen different artifacts that are evidence that Norse (Lenape) were in Hudson Strait in the 14th century.  

[Patricia has incorrectly labeled the people as "Vikings."  They would have called themselves "Lenape."]
 . .
 Sutherland’s research is further evidence that the Maalan Aarum is an accurate history and that the Pristine Wilderness is NOT valid!
The Myth was not valid in 1584 when
Richard Hakluyt 
(1553-1616) wrote to Walter Raleigh, “We will … plant in soils most sweet, most pleasant, most strong and most fertile, and in the end bring them all [the Americans] in subjection and to civility.”
Hakluyt was an inland English cleric, an academic historian, who had time to read and write in a society, where not many men could.  Hakluyt used the new printing press without restraint during the English exploration years.  Thus he put the  Pristine Wilderness into most English minds without considering the accurate accounts of men who had been to America.”
What Hakluyt, who was using Old Testament thinking, did not know was that the Lenape, who were waiting on the far Atlantic shore, were already civilized.  They were also guided by New Testament thoughts.    Hume wrote that Hakluyt’s words planted “the seeds of an Anglo-aboriginal policy whose legacy lingers still.”
Now, American's Anglo-aboriginal policy continues to distort justice after four centuries of interaction between Christians, who had guns, and Lenape, who did not.   The Lenape lived by New Testament guidance, which they learned from their ancestors.
The plank in the English eyes was their own erroneous belief that God gave religious leaders divine guidance directly.  Those leaders thought all Christians must be in their churches or cast out of the community.   The Church leaders also believed all Christians must conform to the thoughts of the leader.  The congregation had no other religious model to follow, so they thought so too.
The Lenape embraced traits of individuality.  They each worshipped only to the Great Spirit.   They called the sun "Jeehiz" because they knew the Jesus himself said, "I am the light of the world." 
 They learned their New Testament principles from their parents and elders. They brought their principles of governance from the Icelandic and Greenland Althings.   Some of those principles included the right to govern by counsel, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

Roger Williams spent seven years living with Lenape because he would not conform to the Pilgrim and Puritan religious control.  Then he returned to England with those Lenape principles in his head.  
Willams came back to America with a charter from the English parliament for Rhode Island that included the rights to self govern by counsel, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.  Rhode Island was to be considered “an experiment.”  Over a century later the first amendment of the Bill of Rights incorporated many of those rights taught to Williams by the Lenape.
[It seems like irony that our cherished first amendment rights in our Bill of Rights came from people, whose ancestors may have attended the Lenape church.  Yet images of that church have been omitted from history textbooks for four centuries.]
Meanwhile Williams left those Lenape principles in England in his book called “The Bloody Tenent.”  Parliament immediately ordered all Bloody Tenant books burned.  Most, but not all, were.  

In spite of the hostility to the Bloody Tenent, within a decade, the concepts of the Bloody Tenant so changed the paradigm of English government that, with typical Anglo arrogance, they believed that the English created the concept of government by counsel, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.

But today, Hakluyt’s MYTHical Pristine Wilderness is still a controlling paradigm in most historians’ heads.  So, the historians only allow that the Lenape came to L’Anse aux Meadows.
Those same historians write, without providing evidence, that the Lenape left after a few years.  This pretense kept the MYTHical Pristine Wilderness a viable paradigm. Thus modern historians could write that the Lenape had no impact on America.
But now Sutherland’s research shows us that the MYTHical Pristine Wilderness is NOT valid.   Sutherland is a competent archaeologist, who has collected evidence on university funded research sites.  By accepted scientific standards that evidence is valid. 
The Lenape were in Hudson Strait! In the 14th century!
 .So, that must mean the Pristine Wilderness never was valid.  The Lenape built a church in Newport in the 13th century! 
That evidence still stands, where it has stood for four centuries.  The omission from history books did not make America's Lenape  church go away.  The church is valid; the historian's

 methodology is not!
There are literally tons of evidence and reams of testimony that the Lenape were in America 1,000 years ago.  Most of that evidence and testimony has been omitted from history books because historians have imposed the MYTHical Paradigm.

When the Mythical Paradigm fades, then the evidence that Lenape built a church in Rhode Island in the 13th century will become more valid in hundreds of millions of heads.  
 The Lenape did make significant impact in North America for centuries.  Many people in north east North America still speak dialects of Old Norse, like the Lenape.  
In New Jersey, New York, Ontario, Pennsylvania, and even Oklahoma, the people still call themselves "Lenape."
 Throughout most of North America east of the Rockies, the Southern Lenape call themselves “Shawnee.” 
If the historians, can set the MYTHical Paradigm aside, then teachers can teach an accurate account of past events based on tons of authentic evidence and reams of testimony to reinforce the true history of America.
America’s Lenape church in Newport is the earliest, biggest, longest standing Lenape artifact. 

In the 17th century in Rhode Island, the Lenape paradigms of government by counsel, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech were transferred to a new group of immigrants, the English.

The Mythical Pristine Wilderness Paradigm was maintained by the English to cover up the fact that the Lenape, who were on the land, were Christians.   The Mythical Paradigm still causes profound distortion in American history.
America’s Lenape Church still stands.

On Friday, November 27, 2009 members of one of America's oldest Protestant churches officially apologized — for the first time — for massacring and displacing the Lenape 400 years ago.
"We consumed your resources, dehumanized your people and disregarded your culture, along with your dreams, hopes and great love for this land," the Rev. Robert Chase told descendants from both sides. "With pain, we the Collegiate Church, remember our part in these events."
Holloway, the Lenape spokesman, said before the ritual
“After 400 years, when someone says 'I'm sorry,' you say, 'Really?' “
"There was some kind of uneasiness. But then you've got to accept someone's sincere apology; they said, 'We did it. We ran you off, we killed you.' "
The Lenape accepted the sincere apologies.
America's Lenape Church still stands.
America's Lenape principles still inspire.

The first thing to do to repair the profound distortion in American History is to sweep the Mythical Paradigm from 350 million heads as soon as possible.
Let us turn our attention to changing the history system.  One good way to do that is to print the image of America’s Lenape Church in history books.













Ivor Noel Hume, 1994, The Virginia Adventure, The University Press of Virginia.


Barry, John M, 2012, Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul: Church, State, and the Birth of Liberty


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