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Friday, July 22, 2016


The Rhaetic settled in the Po Valley around 705 BC, migrating in time of severe drought from Turkey, where they were called Phrygians. Phrygian cattle herders arrived in Turkey around 1175 BC, not long after a catastrophe in 1179 BC ended the Bronze Age. The grass had started to re-grow for their herds, but as yet there were no trees. Phrygian burial mounds in Turkey match those of the Adena Mound Builders in Ohio, as does the script, which is Finnish.

The mounds in America do match the Turkish mounds.  I think the script is called Tifinag.  But the mound builders may have evolved into the Sioux, who were driven out of the Ohio valley about AD 1400.

The people of the Adena culture are probably NOT the ancestors of the Shawnee.  They were probably "Sioux."

Phrygians in turn came from the Carpathian Plain, arriving around 1280 BC, and lived there until chased out by hungry Baltic refugees after the 1179 BC catastrophe.

The Wapamnaog (white folks) have a history of living in the city under a city.  One city underr a city is a tourist attracton in Turkey.

Before that, according to Homer, the Phrygians lived in Finland, on the plains north of Troia, until the Trojans were defeated in 1283±0 BC. Troija is a huge palisade city half way between Helsinki and Turku, 10 km west of Perniƶ, beside Mount Ida. It is nearly square and measures 1 km on a side. As big as it is, the Achaean Camp is far larger, palisade as well. In Finland the Phrygians were known as breeders of horses, cattle and reindeer. Thus the tie to Nordic DNA.

Not all Rhaetic migrated to Ohio; most crossed the Alps and settled in the rolling hills of southern Germany and eastern France. Those in France, called Aeduimi, were almost entirely wiped out by the Boii in 63 BC, prior to Julius Caesar entering the Gallic War. In Germany, more Rhaetic managed to survive. If you place Chief Don Greene in a beer hall packed with locals in Munich during Oktoberfest, you cannot pick him out!
So that's just one tribe. The Southeast is very complicated, with wave after wave coming from Mexico and South America, some very tall.

The language of the southern tribes is Norse.  We should consider "fleet after fleet" of boats rowing south on the Mississippi.  All those boats would have people on board that spoke the shore language, “Norse”

Others came from Portugal

By what route?

 to escape Muslim invasion; I read that Ponce de Leon did not need translators in Florida.

The shore (Norse) language was probably still spoken in the village where Ponce de Leon grew up.

There are many accounts of Welch talking with the Americans.

The better paradigm to use is to think that the English suppressed all talk of Norse because of the Doctrine of Discovery.  Besides anyone speaking Norse might be a Catholic.  They were.


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