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Tuesday, April 1, 2014


“The (first) selected judge (of the Lenape) had RED HAIR!  This statement is the conclusion of a team of 19 members, who are deciphering the oldest American history, the Lenape history.  They have just determined what stanza 5 of chapter 4 really means.
The Lenape were/are Norse Christians in North America from AD 1,100 until now.   Lenape means to “Abide with the pure.”  The word “Len” is derived from the Norwegian word “Ren,” which means “Pure.”
This decipherment is important.  The Lenape stanza maker, who was composing stanzas in South Dakota in 1380, created a stanza that said the first selected judge of the Lenape in James Bay, Canada had RED hair!
Red hair means the Lenape ancestor did not walk in from the Bering Strait.  The man came from the east.  Eric the Red had red hair.  Scottish people have a high ratio of heads with red hair.  This fact means that the ancestors of the Lenape came from the east.
The French called the Lenape language “Algonquin.”  The Algonquin language, which is really the Lenape language, covers a large portion of eastern North America.  The map of the Linguistic Stocks of America Indians shows a distribution from New Found Land to Montana, from Hudson Bay to Cairo, Illinois.

The Lenape were the Grandfather tribe of most of the “Algonquin” speaking tribes.
The 17th century English knew the Lenape came from the east.   One reason the English advocated the Bering Strait theory was to cover up the fact that men from the Baltic Sea rowed to America routinely.
The English did not want ANYBODY to know that other people got to North America by rowing boats from the east before AD 1,500.
.A black haired spouse creates black haired children with red headed mates.  The recessive red haired gene still resides within the black haired children.  The Southern Lenape (Shawnee) DNA studies indicate a Baltic Sea origin.
So, the Algonquin language is Old Norse.  The Lenape DNA is Norse.  The red headed Norse created black haired Lenape kids.  The Lenape created a history.  Today, thanks to a record of 30,000 Lenape words, we can decipher that history.
In 1585 at Roanoke, Thomas Harriot recorded that the Lenape religion was similar to the Catholic religion.  John White painted the "mother" in every temple, which was similar to the Virgin Mary in every Catholic Church. 
But, the Lenape history stopped in 1585, when Ralph Lane, the English commander, pulled the trigger on a pistol pressed to the head of the Lenape historian.  The English destroyed White's painting (De Bry had a copy), stuffed Harriot's report in a forgettable folder, and LIED about the "pagan savages from the west."
The red haired judge was a Lenape.  Lenape were Norse Christians.  The 17th century English KILLED the historian, destroyed or hid the evidence, and LIED! 
American schools still teach the LIES.

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