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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Sherwin’s choice of the Old Norse words
Nord ha n  b y ggd a” for
“Nor    u  m b e  g    a”
seems reasonable for words that have evolved through three centuries (AD. 1350-1640).
Email Valdimar Samúelsson, 8:54 AM, Jan 14, 2019
to PaineFrodeTomAidonVangKarlmalhi
Myron and all, Good you mention this as I kind of was stranded on that word
If I do little jigging with that word Nordhan Byggja it would be Norðan byggð. You would say I was coming from Norður byggð.

In old time we used byggð for settlement now we say Norður land one word. D and h but Ð is softer that D. more like E with pitch up ending. To build would be Byggja so you see Icelandic is little tricky.

Email, from Vang Bach to Paine, Jan 12, 2019, 1:32 PM
I would like you to edit, as it looked for me, there is lot of change there needed to be done.
Also References and Further reading have to be updated.

Email from Myron Paine Sat, Jan 12, 9:50 AM
to Frode, Tom, Valdimar, Aidon, Vang, Karl, malhi

Did the edit stick this time?

Email, Dr. Myron Paine, Jan 12, 2019
                 to Frode, Tom, Karl, Vang, Aidon, Valdimar, Malhi
Well, editing Wikipedia is NOT as easy as “anybody can edit.”
I waited several hours after I inserted the edits, before I asked you if you could see them.  At that time I was  still seeing the edits.

This morning the edits were removed.  I have not, yet, learned why.  So I cannot tell you why Old Norse cannot replace “somewhat mystical” and “Legendary.”

There are more trees in the way before we may see the forest.
Rev 2. Dr. Myron Paine, Jan 11, 2019
Hi, guys, I may have learned how to change words on Wikipedia.
Check it out.  See if "Old Norse" Still shows in Wikipedia Norumbega.
Rev 1. Dr. Myron Paine, Jan. 11, 2019
Added VRM (1940) text
Linked title to map
edited tense
edited "Norway"
Myron Paine, Feb. 24, 2014

This news story has been suppressed for four centuries:
Fifteen-year-old Prince Charles gave new names to places in Norumbega.
Lists of Names changed by 15 year old Prince Charles in1616
(Click on the photo to see an enlargement.)

The King's men of James I encouraged 15-year-old Prince Charles to give new names to places in Norumbega of America.

The king's men hired John Smith to collect observations for a map of the America Atlantic coast from Norumbega to Newfoundland.  

Then, in 1616, the map was nearly completed by De Clerke.  

The king's men wanted to remove the Old Norse names from the map of North America.  

Only Prince Charles had enough social ranking to over ride John Smith and the names he refered to in his recent book.

Smith was not in favor of the name change.

He made a list of the old and new names to insert into his book.

But the influence of English royalty enabled England to promote the De Clerke map. 

 That advocacy obscured the fact that the Norse were well  established in America for three hundred years before the English names were used.

The change of another land's names is a deliberate act of war.  The act implied that the land, which was settled by Norse people, was English territory.
England had defeated the Spanish Armada on July 29, 1588. With Spain beaten, the next contender for America was Norway. The English King’s men knew that the Norse were a major obstacle to claiming the Rights of Firsr Discovery to North America.  
The King’s men wanted to remove the Norse words from the maps.
In 1616 the Norwegian ships had been effectively blockaded by the Hanseatic league.
The blockade came after a severe prolonged episode with the Black Plague, which claimed two thirds of the starving Norwegians. 
By AD 11614 the English knew Norway was not an active challenger for North America. 

The English realized that the Scandinavians had litte knowledge of the Norse people living in America.

The Black Death had hit Norwegians much worse than countries in southern Europe.  The death rate was nearly twice as high.

Then the Hanseatic League blockaded Norway harbors.  Few Norwegian boats were arriving in North America. 

Protestant Englishmen claimed that John Cabot in 1497 had explored the North American coasts from Norumbega to Newfoundland.

The English King and his men created the MYTH that only primitive pagan savages lived on that coast. 

Then the Protestant Englishmen killed or suppressed the Catholics, who spoke Norse.

The English declaredNorth America had NO Norse people. .

But there were those pesky Catholic churches at Newport and Boston.   Also there were all those Norse names along the coast from a time when the Norse in America were Catholics.
The churches were easy to destroy.  In AD 1612, the Protestant men in America sent a 14 cannon frigate under the command of Samuel Argil up the coast to destroy the Catholic chuches.
A military force against civilians was a lop sided act of war.  The English marines destroyed the churches in Boston, Newport and in Maine.
Norway never learned of those acts of war, but those Norse place names remained!
The king's men sent John Smith, of Jamestown fame, up the coast to make a map.  
Then they encouraged Catholic Prince Charles to change the names on the map to English names.
New explorers to the region used the latest English map.  Few explorers even knew that the original place names were Norse.
"Norumbega," which meant "North Colony" of  Norse speaking people for about three centuries, became known as "New England."
. The word "Norumbega"  showed up on odd maps.  The English King's men and the expanding pool of English schlors labeled "Norumbega" a fantasy Island.
. Look at Wikipedia's version: 
Norumbega (or Norumbègue, Nurumbega, Norombega, etc.) was a legendary settlement in northeastern North America, inextricably connected with attempts to demonstrate Viking incursions in New England.[1][2][3]
The scheme might have worked.  But Captain Smith wrote a book using the old names.  Then he 
published a list of the old names and the new names.
The list of Norse names above had been used for over three centuries. 
Norumbega (North Colony) was the name for the location we now think is New England.
. Then, in 1616, England committed the dastardly deed to steal North A.erica from hapless Norway. 
England deliberately made Norumbega vanish.  They purged the word Norumbega wherever they could.  England’s historians labeled all mention of Norumbega a “MYTH.”
The suppression of words on maps was sufficient for the English King's men to claim that the Rights of Discovery belonged to England.  The Norwegians were not in shape to compete for their rights.
The English could and would proclaim that there were NO people from the east side of the Atlantic, who came to America before Columbus.  That is a MYTH.
But, today, professors and publishers label all evidence of previous voyages to North America to be a "hoax."

The renaming of New England was a deliberate act of war by English Protestants during the time of King James I.  Their intent was to remove Norumbega and other Norse names from maps of the North America.

Those Englishmen have left a black legacy, a black hole in the history of America.  All professors teach the "black hole."  Thus teaching the MYTH to everyone in the world.
"Native Americans" are not "native."  But they were never taught that they speak a dialect of Old Norse.

The acts of war committed by the English four centuries ago are still in action.
The American professors have been hood-winked.  They do little research into the evidence of the activities of the English in America before the revolutionary war. They do not believe England was ever at war with Norway. 

The Norwegians were complacent.  They did not realize that England had declared war in Norway pocessions.  They could not conceive that honorable men would have attempted to steal a continent by deception.  

The Scandinavians are reluctant to make a fuss about lands where over six million people with Norse  heritage still live.
Anthropologists search in vain for evidence of people who migrated from the west.  They believe the MYTH and ignore the stories of people who say their ancestors came across a "salty sea from the east."

Historians search English records to find the source of a government by council with a strong judicial branch.  But historians gloss over the althoengs and judges of Iceland as a possible model.

The English will continue to succeed if YOU do nothing. 
Doing nothing is a method to suppress knowledge by omitting it.
Talk about the Catholics, who spoke Norse.

Please Publish this news story that has NOT been PUBLISHED yet!

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