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Friday, October 19, 2018


Hi, 440 members of AMERICAN HISTORY ORG.

ON MONDAY, OCT.15, 2018
I emailed the following message to:
Dear Professor Coleman,
          Chair, Professor in American Studies
Cc:  Ms Ryan, Dept Coordinator,
Assoc. Prof Pensado,
             Director of Graduate Studies,
 Mr. Vaughn, Gradate Studies, Coordinator.
SUBJECT:  Topics for investigation for Notre Dame Graduate Studies in history.
Notre Dame is located in a region where Catholics, who spoke Norse, settled in America 1000 years. ago.  Notre Dame should take the lead in restoring a more accurate history of the American past.
Please guide your graduate students to restore the knowledge of the LOST GREENLAND CATHOLIC COLONY.
The ENGLISH KNEW, but called them “Indians”
and used suppression by omission to create a MYTH. 
Accurate knowledge of the American past became
Notre Dame graduate students should be able to determine that the LOST GREENLAND CATHOLIC COLONY is based on valid evidence. 
If the evidence is valid, Notre Dame could take the leading role to restore a more accurate history of Catholics in the American past.
Have good studies,
PS Please acknowledge receipt of the email.

Now, (Oct. 22) it is a week later.  I have no reply.

"No reply" is like the "omission" word in "suppression by omission."

We are being suppressed because the faculty at Notre Dame is IGNORING (OMITING) the chance to communicate with us.
The Professors contine to teach the MYTH, because they have not examined the evidence.
So, what do we do now?

Flooding Notre Dame with 440 emails does not seem like the correct way to get attention.

They have already demonstrated they are likely to ignore emails, even if they are written by a person who has earned a Ph. D.

A telephone call may be called a "crank call."  Then our message may be quickly forgotten.

Maybe the best way is for each of us to take the following action:
1. Copy the text below, paste it into textedit or word, & PRINT:
but called them “Indians”
and used suppression by omission 
to create a MYTH. 
Accurate knowledge of the American past became
3. Sign the page.
3. Send the PRINTED PAGE to:
219 O'Shaughnessy Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame IN 46556

4.  Pray--a lot.

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