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Saturday, December 23, 2017


 LENAPE today live within the shaded area in the map to the left.
The little map to the right shows the territory of New Sweden (1638-55).
The Delaware River is shown in eaach map as a reference to orientate both maps to each other.
The LENAPE today survive where the short-lived Swedish colony was located.
Even after the military defeat by the English, Swedish and Finnish people continued to live with the LENAPE.
These maps show the extent of the genocide caused by the PROTESTANT ENGLISH colonies.
The LENAPE were the Grandfather tribe of most of the Americans East of the Rocky Mountains.  When the LENAPE sold land to William Penn, Pennsylvania was a small part of a vast region including most of the Mississippi River Basin.
Many of those people  took tribal names after the English invasion.
Most tribes spoke dialects of Norse.
The English at Jamestown and in New England knew the LENAPE were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
About AD 1612 the English decided on an invasion scheme.
The English would tell the world that the Americans were pagan.
If the world believed the Americans were pagan, the Doctrine of Discovery gave the English the “right” to kill or enslave the Americans.
The English did that.
They also encouraged the Dutch in New York to massacre the LENAPE.
The Dutch did that even after the LENAPE asked for protection in the original treaty for New York.
The Dutch had agreed to give the LENAPE safety from the Mohawks.

The Swedes came into New Sweden 26 years after Jamestown.  By then the English destruction of the LENAPE in De La Warr’s land was nearly over.
These maps show that where the Swedes settled, the LENAPE still live today.  
Where the English settled at Jamestown and in New England, the effects of genocide followed by wartime propaganda called SUPPRESSION by OMISSION can be clearly seen.
There is little evidence of LENAPE in those areas today.

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