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Monday, November 6, 2017


All say they
will go along,
All who are
free to go.
For decades, now, most of us have been telling our friends about ancient artifacts, which are evidence that people from the east side of the Atlantic walked in America before Columbus sailed.
In a way, we are like a packs of wolves.  We find a scrap of evidence.  We snap at each other for attention.  The young ones gnaw on the information we, old ones, have left behind long ago. 

We continue to mill around looking for more evidence. Meanwhile generations of kids learn a MYTH about Early American History without seeing anything about the evidence.  It is NOT published in their textbooks.

For centuries, now, our professors have been teaching the old English MYTH that America was a pristine wilderness, which had only a few savage pagans.
The professors teach that the pagans either learned an ancient language or one from Asia.  But no linguist has been able to tell us which language came from where.
Our focus, now, should be to encourage those professors to teach the REAL AMERICAN HISTORY also.
But those professors are not cooperating.  They peek at our posts, but few reply. 
Professors have ignored my emails over 4,000 times.
On Wednesday, November 1, I stood in front of a large display of press releases used in Jimmy Carter’s Governor and presidential campaigns.
As I scanned the room, I saw statements by important people, flags. Banners, signs of all shapes, T-shirts, etc.
Clearly an organized, focused effort had already gone into Carter’s campaigns before I voted for him...
The American people of today should have a better understanding of America as it was four centuries ago.  
To get professors to teach that understanding, we need to have ourselves  organized as wolf packs focused to educate the professors.
The professors believe they teach the true history of America because they were taught that knowledge comes from books.  Professors can cite a long list of references tracing knowledge into the dark ages.
Apparently only a few professor have thought that, maybe, all the knowledge is NOT in the books. 
The 17th century English profounfly distorted history by suppressing certain words from books.  They could omit those words from the few printing presses working at the time.
The scraps of evidence left, outside of most books, indicate that
most 17th century Americans were Catholics,
who spoke Norse.
The 17th century was the AGE of DISCOVERY, when the Eurocentric pagadigm caused the European nations to profoundly distort history.
When the Pope created the Doctrine of Discovery in the 15th century, he probably did NOT expect English Protestants to use the Doctrine to steal a whole continent and kill or enslave the Catholics, who spoke Norse.
The English chose to "honor" Columbus as a means to reset history to AD 1492.
Then they would claim that every thing that occurred on or came from America before 1492 was caused by pagan people, who came from Asia.
The Protestant English of the 17th century took pro-active actions to suppress information about “Catholics,” “Norse,” and “Lenape.”
“LENAPE,” in Norse, means “Abide with the PURE." Many Northern European people, including many English,  knew that “LEN” meant "PURE," as in "baptized to be pure."

In Catholic Europe the LENTEN season is still celebrated. 
In America, before the Engliah came, baptized Catholics knew the first commandment:
"I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me."

An English action to kill “LEN” people would have caused many questions in northern Europe.
But reports of actions to exterminate Mohegan, Narragansett, and Nipmuc tribes were read, in Europe, with only slight regret that “pagans” were so difficult to convert.
A significant residual of the English suppression by omission is that the word “LENAPE” was (and still is) very rare in New England and Virgina  documents, but was routinely used in New York (Dutch) and New Sweden (Sweden) documents.
William Penn bought land from the LENAPE, when the English were hanging other Quakers.  
The LENAPE Code of Honor in Pennsylvania was used to establish the Boy Scouts' Order of the Arrow.  The Order of the Arrow Scouts recite "LENAPE" words without knowing they are speaking Norse.
As time went on, the colonial English occupied more and more LENAPE land which still had LENAPE speakers on it.
To cover their sins,the English attempted to apply the word “DELAWARE” to all LENAPE speakers even if the tribes had not been massacred or raped by Lord De La Ware’s men.
The few printing presses brought to America in the 17th century were often suppressed by the Puritan mindset.  Not until 1725 was a printing press in America relatively free of Protestant censorship.
By then the
NO CATHOICS, NO LENAPE” paradigm had a century--five generations-- to  harden into most peoples’ heads.
Wikipedia says, “All the New England colonies required towns to set up schools, and many did so. In 1642 the Massachusetts Bay Colony made "proper" education compulsory; other New England colonies followed this example.
Similar statutes were adopted in other colonies in the 1640s and 1650s. The schools were all male and all white…, "common schools" were established; students of all ages were under the control of one teacher in one room.
The larger towns in New England opened grammar schools, the forerunner of the modern high school.”
The knowledge suppressed by omission during the 17th century was omitted from the curriculum as the United States educational system began its century long development toward universities from Harvard in 1650 to the tenth university, Brown in 1764.
Because vital knowledge that
.most of the original Americans were Catholics,
who spoke Norse,
was suppressed by omission.
. The teachers and then the university professors created MYTHS to explain how the American people came to be standing on the shores, when the invaders came ashore with superior weapons.
 Today, the professors are suppressors because they still omit the knowledge they never learned. 
Also,they still ignore anyone that tries to inform them about the knowledge that is NOT in the textbooks.
We need a campaign to inform the
American people that professors, who live on public funds, SUPPRESS American history.
When American people demand an accurate history of the English invasion, professors, who may lose funding, might realize that there is more than one way to understand the past.
So I propose that we create an organization, which will focus on,
 when the ENGLISH invaded,  
most AMERICANS spoke Norse.
The blog LENAPE LAND includes sets of links to the best American History.
I have created a draft American History Organization (AHO) using my knowledge of American History and based on the evidence of ancient Americans, which is NOT in the textbooks.
I suggest a role that you might fulfill.
If you do not want to accept that role, then choose another role, nominate someone better to fill the suggested role or revise the role to match your talents and time you can devote to the cause.
The American History Organization has over 1,500 WATCHERS.
We need WALKERS,
who will lead the packs.
If you think the organization should be changed, then propose a change.
As we go along we will make our BEST American History into a BETTER one.
_   _  _  _  _  _

See: Way over there on the horizon.
We want the professors to teach:
When the English invaded,
Most Americans spoke Norse.
Let us round up our packs and head them that way.
Move ‘em out!

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