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Sunday, April 10, 2016


The concept is simple.  
Look at the map below.

The AD 1900 Linguistic Map of America.
Wherever the map shows tan the American people spoke Old Norse.

The invading English knew the people on shore spoke Old Norse because their ancestors had lived through two centuries of DANELAW.  The English knew what Old Norse sounded like.

Four people in England had copies of the LOK MAP, which showed evidence that the Norse had reached America before the English.

Queen Elisabeth wanted England to plant a foothold in America. She promised the Pope that English would not settle anywhere that had Christians already settled.

Because she knew that the Northland already had Norse settlers, she encouraged her consort Raleigh to make his colony in Virginia.  She gambled that  Virginia was between the Catholics, who spoke Old Norse, and the Catholics, who spoke Spanish.  

The Queen wrote, in the Virginia Charter, that the English would not settle where Christians had already settled.  She wrote,

"we give and graunt to our trustie and welbeloued seruant Walter Ralegh, Esquire, ... to discover, search, finde out, and view such remote, heathen and barbarous lands, countries, and territories, not actually possessed of any Christian Prince, nor inhabited by Christian People,

Unfortunately for the Queen, her scouts returned with documentation that the people on shore in Virginia were also Catholics, who spoke Old Norse.  The Queen told Raleigh to go south to fight the Spanish instead of going to Virginia.  Raleigh, himself, never made it to Virginia.

Then, 22 years later and four years after Queen Elizabeth’s death, the English invaded Jamestown in 1607. The English settlers quickly found that Catholics, who spoke Old Norse, were standing on the shores. 

Because of the bias learned during the Protestant-Catholic troubles that were festering in England at the time, the English attempted to dominate by using force.  The Catholic response was peaceful, but deadly.  Let the Protestants eat the food they raise.  

At first the under-supplied Protestants, who depended on Catholics for food, were forced to starve.  The starving Protestants decided to return to England.  Then, in 1610, Samuel Argil sailed into Jamestown with 300 men, who had full armor, and the latest flintlocks.

  The English had little doubt about their dire situation.  If the people in Europe found out that Catholics, who spoke Old Norse, were standing on the shore, then the Virginia Company would have no chance of planting a colony in America.

Their charter had a "Christian" clause too.  The Pope would declare Norway the European country with the "Rights of Discovery."  The investment of the Virginia Stokeholders was worthless.

But the men in the Virgina company knew the people of Europe thought that Columbus called the American people "Indians."   Europeans believed the "Indians"lived in a "new world." Europeans had the obligation to carry Christianity to the heathen. 

   The men at Jamestown decided to destroy the evidence of Catholic settlement in America.

  The men in full armor marched 40 miles up the James River to take over a “magnificent church.”  In 1612 Argil and his marines destroyed churches in New Port, RI, Boston, Ma, and Nova Scotia.

In 1614 Capt. John Smith sailed up the Northeast coast from Norumbega to the land that would become “Newfoundland.”  English Prince Charles changed the Norse names on the map of Smith’s voyage so that English Names replaced the Norse names.

  According to the English Protestants Myth:

There were no Norse in America. 
The Catholics were “savages."
The land was a primitive wilderness.
The natives had no religion.
 The natives had no history.

All of those statements are false.  But false statements repeated over and over by teachers become an unquestioned paradigm.  Students are tutored by teachers, who are perceived as authorities.  But most teachers do not have time to investigate history texts.  Teaching of false concepts creates a mythical paradigm which is more powerful than reality.  

For example, there are at least 44 Norse rune stones in North America.  History curriculums do not mention rune stonesThe history curriculum omits Rune stones because teachers teach that there were no Norse in America.    Thus the Protestant myth has become more powerful than 44 messages carved in stone.


Most episodes described by the English Protestant Myth can be better explained in the context of the religious warfare persecuted by English Protestants during the 17th century.


The Online Wikipedia has the most modern version of the Protestant episodes of early American History.

I propose to give you the link to the Wikipedia version of an episode so you, the viewer, can update yourself on the myth.

Then I will substitute words to describe the episode without the Protestant suppression.  My description will follow the Lenape History

You, the viewer, are free to chose who you wish to believe.

 I would like you to leave a comment in this post, so we can discuss the English and the Lenape version of 

======Here we go ======

Colonialization  Wikipedia

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