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Tuesday, March 5, 2019



in the 5TH CENTURY

This image and a few others found on the MICHIGAN RELICS and by the composers of the LENAPE HISTORY implies a transfer of knowledge for nine (9) centuries  (5th to 14th) in North America.
. The Little Ice Age in the 14th century caused ice to invade the canoe passages, via Iceland, through the Pan North Atlantic culture.  Thus knowledge transfer across the Atlantic was stopped for about a century.
. Because I am connecting the two SUNRISE SYMBOLS in the 21st century, there is a transfer of knowledge in North America for 17 centuries, but most professors will label the connections I see as fraud, because the evidence does not support the MYTH they learned as kids.
The MICHIGAN RELICS and the LENAPE HISTORY were both rediscovered in the 19th century.

Nineteen centuryy scholars, who could have looked at both of them with an inquiring mind, would have found the same relationships that I just found.
However the English invaded in the 17th century.
The 17th century English created the MYTH that NO ONE came across the Atlantic to the NEW WORLD before Columbus.
.  The MYTH enabled the English to suppress the Catholics, who spoke Norse, and to destroy most of the evidence of other people, who came to North Ameria by canoes long, long ago.
Compare the nine centuries of transfere of knowledge to the one (17th) century where most of the evidence and knowledge was destroyed. 
That one century of suppression by omission nearly wiped out nine centuries of history.  But, even worse, the suppression of evidence and knowledge was followed by three centuries of teaching the MYTH to all the kids.
. (We ALL were kids once.  Teachers were the first authoritative figures we encountered away from home.  They did NOT need evidence to lodge the MYTH in our heads.  Once the MYTH of "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492" was lodged in our heads, we did not need all that knowledge in America before Columbus.
. But there was an ancient timeline of knowledge transfer via the Pan North Atlantic Culture.  If we want a better paradigm of North America, we should set the MYTH aside. We should look at the knowledge timeline instead.


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