A more accurate story of the life of POCAHONTAS can the found at the post found by the link above the picture.
But before you look at the post, make a little adjustment to your mental model of America in the 17th Century.
But before you look at the post, make a little adjustment to your mental model of America in the 17th Century.
Most Americans were Catholics, who spoke Norse. Most Catholics recited the 144 stanzas of their history from pictographs which showed them cues to the correct self-verifying verse to say. Out of 144 stanzas cued by pictographs, 121 showed people with three marks on their heads- for the Catholic Father-Son-Holy ghost .
The marks stood for the _"Father-Son-Holy Ghost" of the Catholic rituals.
In 17th century America, men and some women, created hair-do’s to reflect their spiritual commitment. There are a few pictures of early colonial times in America that show men with three feathers.
. The 17th century English would have known that Americans were Catholics from the hair-dos.
. The 17th century English would have known that Americans were Catholics from the hair-dos.
Many pictures of that era show evidence of picture “retouching.”
In the picture above most of the "feathers" appear to be fluffy feathers. Fluffy feathers come from ostriches or peacocks, which did not live in America.
A valid assumption is that someone, who wanted to obscure the "Father-Son-Holy Ghost hair-dos, deliberately retouched the original picture.
There appears to be only one original set of feathers, which is on the fourth face to the right, next to the picture edge.
.The original three feathers on each head may have been changed to five feathers by adding two more.
In the picture above most of the "feathers" appear to be fluffy feathers. Fluffy feathers come from ostriches or peacocks, which did not live in America.
A valid assumption is that someone, who wanted to obscure the "Father-Son-Holy Ghost hair-dos, deliberately retouched the original picture.
There appears to be only one original set of feathers, which is on the fourth face to the right, next to the picture edge.
.The original three feathers on each head may have been changed to five feathers by adding two more.
Notice in the picture that two of the feathers, on on each side, have the same color.
The fourth face to the right appears to show part of a three feather head set, which has a diffent style. The re-toucher may have decided to let the original painting alone.
There is a second painting in the Pocahontas post. In that painting Pocahontas wears three black feathers.
This may be an instance where the re-touched hair-do was itself re-touched to return to the original picture.
This may be an instance where the re-touched hair-do was itself re-touched to return to the original picture.
When it comes to feathers on heads in colonial scenes, we can NEVER be sure that feathers more than three were in the original artist’s drawing.
Count the feathers, assume fluffy feathers were an attempt to hide a Father, Son, Holy Ghost hair do, examine multiple feathers to see if the retoucher might been decieving us. The retoucher wanted us to believe that the Catholics, who spoke Norse were NOT in the picture.
Now tap on the link above the picture to se theINDIAN COUTRY TODAY version of the story. Then return to here.
This is Danica's version of text found on Kathy's wall. They appear to have used the INDIAN COUTRY text for most of their story.

Now tap on the link above the picture to se theINDIAN COUTRY TODAY version of the story. Then return to here.
This is Danica's version of text found on Kathy's wall. They appear to have used the INDIAN COUTRY text for most of their story.

September 16 at 7:57 AM
From Kathy
September 16 at 7:57 AM
From Kathy
Sloan's wall:
Fascinating truth
about who Pocahontas really was from indigenous history. She was 10 years-old
in 1607 when the settlers invaded & John Smith was 27;
she never tried to save his life nor married him. She was kidnapped by English
colonizers, gang raped & had a son from one of the rapes named Thomas. John
Smith raided local tribal villages & literally held a gun to their chiefs'
heads, demanding all their food & supplies. The English men targeted young
children for rape & many Native women offered themselves for rape in order
to spare their children from being raped. Rape was not tolerated by Powhatan
society & was virtually unheard of since the penalty was so severe.
married a neighboring tribal member named Kocoum & they had a daughter. The
colonists kidnapped Pocahontas & murdered her husband. While she was held
captive, the Jamestown colony was failing & John Rolfe was under orders to
make it profitable or England would cut off support. He realized that if he
could learn the indigenous secret of how to cure tobacco, he'd be saved so he
married Pocahontas to get their secret which was considered sacred. Soon after,
he made a killing exporting tobacco to England & Jamestown was saved.
Tragically for the local tribes, this new goldmine resulted in massive theft of
Native lands & slaughter.
Unlike the
colonists who were committing large-scale atrocities against the indigenous
people, elites in England disapproved & threatened to cut off financial
support if it continued. For this reason, Pocahontas, her son Thomas, her
sister, John Rolfe, & Captain John Argall - the man who kidnapped Pocahontas
- sailed to England along with other Natives to pretend friendship in order to
prevent their $ cut-off. Essentially, a dog & pony show. Pocahontas knew
she was being exploited & wanted to return home. Right after a dinner with
John Rolfe & Argall, she vomited & died shortly after; her sister &
the other Natives concluded she'd been murdered by poisoning. The indigenous
people who traveled to England with her were sold as servants or carnival
attractions. If the women got pregnant as a result of rape, they were sent to
Bermuda & sold into slavery.
Pocahontas died
at 20 & Rolfe & Argall refused to return her body to be buried among
her people in her homeland. News reached her father Wahunsenaca & he died
of grief less than a year later. Her son Thomas was kept in England but he
returned to the Powhatan as an adult. Her daughter was raised by the
neighboring Patawomeck tribe.
Yet another in
the endless parade of lies that are taught as "history" by the
American imperialists.
Then Thomas learned that a women with money and land in England would be willing to marry a famous soldier.
Now here is my version based on the book "Virginia Adventure" by Hume.
American History Organisation.
Pocahontas’History from Kathy Sloan’s wall.
Kathy and I agree to about 80% of her story.
We might agree 100% after we discuss our mental model of Colonial America
In Colonial America, the people on the shore were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
In Colonial America, the people on the shore were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
Pocahontas played an Angel in a
Catholic ritual
that convinced John Smith that he had been born again.
that convinced John Smith that he had been born again.
Smith became so zealous that his own men fire-bombed his groin. His
swift reactions enabled him to plunge into the water beside the boat to save his life.
Argil transported Smith to England. Argil might have been the one telling the English that Americans were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
Argil transported Smith to England. Argil might have been the one telling the English that Americans were Catholics, who spoke Norse.
The Norse words in Smith’s book were censored by the English and replaced by English words.
The Norse words in Smith’s book were censored by the English and replaced by English words.
A few years later Argil captured Pocahontas because he wanted "to have her," whatever that meant. He raped her repeatedly.
A few years later Argil captured Pocahontas because he wanted "to have her," whatever that meant. He raped her repeatedly.
Then Argil gave her to Thomas Dale, the commander of
the 300 fully armored men, who destroyed the villages along both sides of the
James River from Jamestown to Richmond,Va.
At Henrico they took over the "magnificent Church" build by Bishop Henricus five centuies earlier.
Thomas kept
in the Catholic Church. He raped her often.
in the Catholic Church. He raped her often.
Then Thomas learned that a women with money and land in England would be willing to marry a famous soldier.
Thomas attempted to trade Pocahontas back to Powhatten in return for a statement, from Powhatan, that the Catholics would accept Protestant rites.
Thomas attempted to trade Pocahontas back to Powhatten in return for a statement, from Powhatan, that the Catholics would accept Protestant rites.
Pocahontas told her half brothers that she was pregnant and Powhatten's people would have to kill her.
She counseled Powhaten to leave her with
Powhaten moved his people away.
Thomas wanted the money and land in England.
He asked who will take this .woman."
John Rollfe did.
Pocahontas was married to
John, but she named her son after the father, “Thomas.”
Now, even if Kathy, I, and a few of you get Pocahontas story very accurate, the professors will still teach the MYTH they were taught. They will continue to suppress the more accurate story by omitting the story from the textbooks and curriculum.
Now, even if Kathy, I, and a few of you get Pocahontas story very accurate, the professors will still teach the MYTH they were taught. They will continue to suppress the more accurate story by omitting the story from the textbooks and curriculum.
Your kids or grandkids cannot earn a history scholarship by answering “Thomas Dale raped Pocahontas.”
Early American history is a MYTH! We ALL have been MYTHIFIED!
Your kids or grandkids cannot earn a history scholarship by answering “Thomas Dale raped Pocahontas.”
Early American history is a MYTH! We ALL have been MYTHIFIED!
Now here is what a descendant has to say about the rape of her ancestor.
Anita Vanput: Her son had a daughter married into Poythress ,if I have got this straight.
She had married a brother? of my direct ancestor ....so the descent would have been [now ] very distant cousins.
Interesting .We wish we could change the past of the kindred as far as their suffering ...Or of anyone ..that has been so treated .....But,it is doubtful if any of descent if they still exist ,that they are but Caucasoid types.
The past is gone and cannot be changed.
But an accurate knowledge of the past should not be omitted from history.
We have
The past is gone and cannot be changed.
But an accurate knowledge of the past should not be omitted from history.
We have
- Indian Country Today,
- Kathy,
- Danica,
- You, Anita,
- Me, Myron,
- American History Organization with 310 members.
We should start a campaign to publish the accurate Pocahontas story as often as possible.
You represent the Pocahontas family. Do you have ideas about what, where, when, and how we can publish the accurate Pocahontas story?
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