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Monday, May 6, 2019


See the man with ear plugs in this cover photo of a book on the Mississippian culture.

This is just ONE MORE bit of evidence that people were paddling their canoes from the east side of the Atlantic to the Mississippi basin.
The only reason we make a big deal out of the bits of evidence is that the English were able to convince the Professors to teach the NEW WORLD MYTH.  They have taught the MYTH for four centuries.
This is an outstanding example of MIND over MATTER.  The professors are contaminating every body’s mind with  the NEW WORLD MYTH.  If the matter does not fit the MYTH the professors ignore the matter rather than conclude the HYTH is not valid.
The professors will not admit that most Americans were speaking Norse, even though  Reider T. Sherwin showed that nearly all of the “Algonquin” words evolved from Old Norse.
The professors will not admit that most Americans were Catholics, even if most Americans knew how to recite Genesis, about 30 altars have been found in the Mississippi Basin, there were seven major churches along the Atlantic coast before Columbus sailed, and the LENAPE history tells  of Bishop Eric Gnuppson, who built the church in the Hinrico area.
If the professors had not taught us the MYTH, the many bits of evidence we are finding would fit into a valid hypothesis:
people from the east side of the Atlantic were paddling through the waterways of the Pan North Atlantic Culture to America.  They entered North America via the Mississippi basin and Along the east coast.  They brought the Catholic religion.  They spoke a dialect of Old Norse.  They used Tifinaq, Phoenician, Hebrew, Ogami, and Rune symbols for writing. 
The professors will not discuss these subjects.  Other than learning and teaching the same MYTH there may not be a conspiracy, but the resulting action sure looks like one.
Until we can convince a whole lot of people that the NEW WORLD MYTH is not valid, many, many minds will continue to conclude that the matter we chatter about is not valid evidence.
We chatter about the evidence.  We need to tell a whole lot more people about it.  Better yet, we need to get more professors to discuss the matter instead of teach the MYTH.
How may we cope with something that behaves like an all-powerful conspiracy?

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